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why detectors miss targets
Paul Cee Metal Detecting
Published by Paul Cee in metal detecting · Wednesday 13 Dec 2023 ·  1:00

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Metal detectorists are always on the hunt for hidden treasures.

but sometimes their excitement can lead them to go too fast. It's no secret that metal detectors can miss targets if they are not used properly, and one common mistake is rushing through the search area. Whether it's the desire to cover more ground or simply impatience, going too fast can cause detectors to overlook valuable finds. So, slow down, take your time, and let your metal detector do its job properly. You never know what treasures you might find if you give it the chance!
heres is what we found detecting where all the other 80 metal detectorists started, how could anybody actually miss some of these targets..

a bag seal found with a metal detectorNot sure if this is a Bag seal or a something similar

metal detecting find is a cut quarter hammered coin1/4 cut hammered coin unkown date

1911 Silver sixpence from king george V1911 silver sixpence from King George V

king george copper half penny 19321932 Copper half penny king george

So you can see if you rush about when metal detecting and dont have your detector setup correctly you will miss things.
Check out the video to see what else was missed.

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