Evo 6000 Review
Published by David Wallace in C-Scope Evo 6000 · Monday 19 Apr 2021 · 1:00

Coming Soon Keep Checking Back as the Full C-Scope EVO 6000 Review will be available only here.
Features include waterproof, Bluetooth wireless conectivity, Usb Charge port
Easy to use Menu,
You Can Buy the C Scope Evo 6000 From Crawfords Metal Detectors in the UK
1. It is Waterproof
2. Easy to Navigate Menu.
3. Land settings
4. Beach Settings
5. All Metal
6. Custom
7. Manaul, auto and ground tracking
8. Sensitivity adjust
9. Volume adjust
10. Bluetooth Conectivity
11. Wired headphone connection available
12. Ergonomic handle and is ideal for people with larger hands
13. HUGE easy to read screen
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