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jersey liberation coins
Paul Cee Metal Detecting
Published by David Wallace in beach metal detecting · Thursday 29 Aug 2019 ·  2:00
Tags: jerseyliberationcoinraremetaldetectingfind

Jersey Liberation coins

Although one twenty fourth of a shilling coins were not minted during Queen Elizabeth's reign, Jersey issued various coins including two new denominations:  a one fourth of a shilling and a five shillings crown.  During this time, three commemorative one twelfth of a shilling coins were also struck.  These were the Island Liberation issue, the 300th Anniversary of Accession of King Charles II issue, and the 900th Anniversary of the Norman Conquest commemorative issue.  Two other denominations were also struck for this occasion:  a five shillings coin and a one fourth of a shilling coin.
YEAR 1945
MINTAGE 720,000
jersey liberation coinjersey liberation coin
The obverse depicts Cecil Thomas' famous crowned portrait of the H.M. Queen Elizabeth II.  This design also appears on the coins from Belize, Bermuda, British Eastern Caribbean Territories, British Honduras, British West Africa, Cyprus, East Africa, Fiji, Ghana, Hong Kong, Jamaica, Malaya and British Borneo, Mauritius, Nigeria, and Seychelles.  The obverse has a simple legend of “QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND.”  The reverse of each coin is a slight modification of Kruger-Gray's shield design.

jersey liberation coingeorge v1 jersey coin

Both Edward VII and George V were shown on the previous coins of Jersey in full coronation regalia, whereas the George VI coins uses only a crowned head.  Beneath the truncation, the initials of Percy Metcalfe, CVO, can be found.  For the 1937, 1946, and the 1947 coins, the reverse design was a continuation of the last King's coinage and the George Kruger-Gray's initials can be found there.  There were three types of coins issued during the reign of George VI, a half penny type and two different penny types.  After the war, Jersey's first commemorative coin, a one twelfth of a shilling, was released in memory of the liberation of the island.
This commemorative issue owes its existence to Mr. J. Wilfrid du Pre of the Societe Jersiaise.  In 1949, the coins were first minted for the anniversary of the Liberation of the Island from the German Occupation on May 8, 1945.  Coins were also minted in 1950 and 1952
YEAR 1945
MINTAGE 1,200,000

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