where to metal detect cuts on the beach seahunter mk2 ctx 3030 settings
Published by Paul Cee in CTX 3030 Detecting · Wednesday 28 Aug 2019
Tags: garrett, seahunter, mk2, minelab, ctx, 3030, vs, best, beach, metal, detector
Tags: garrett, seahunter, mk2, minelab, ctx, 3030, vs, best, beach, metal, detector
Its been a while since there has been significant sand movement on the coast where i detect, and what a difference a day makes with the wind in the right direction with a full high tide.. Sand has moved giving up cuts in the sand and producing plenty of coins and 2 rings in todays session, with the Minelab CTX 3030 and Garrett Seahunter Mk2... Feel free to subscribe and share.
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