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The best Accessory for the XP Deus that could save alot of money
Paul Cee Metal Detecting
Published by Paul Cee in Detecting news · Wednesday 28 Aug 2019 ·  1:00
Tags: deuscontrolboxukdeusremoteboxdeussparesuk
deus cover newanderson carbon shaft
You Have your Xp Deus, and ready to hit the fields or the beach.
loaded on your very expensive remote controller.... its Safe Right??

Are you sure??

Well a couple of times i have had the shock of looking down and i've knocked it off.

deus shaft
Its laid on the ground somewhere, you look around and luckly its nearby, but what if you dont recall knocking it or catching it on some undergrowth.. this could be the stuff of nightmares, the cost of a replacement wireless module is alot of money.

Here is the device that could save you... it attaches the the remote control unit perfectly and the to the Stem of the XP Deus..

And gives that Extra security for when or if it gets knocked off..

The Remote Cable for the XP Deus is now available in the Online store, for a very low price and shipping to the UK and Europe..

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