minelab equinox hammered coin setting
Published by Paul Cee in Minelab Equinox Settings · Saturday 25 Jun 2022 · 1:00
Tags: minelab, equinox, 800, settings
Tags: minelab, equinox, 800, settings
highly sought after for most people metal detecting are hammered coins.

these very thin and usually tiny coins can be notoriously difficult to find

that is unless they are laid dead flat and then give off a great tone on the metal detector.
Most people will opt for one setting like beach to land which to be fair will detect anything so long as it is under the coil.
This time just to show that which mode you use as long as it is set up correctly for where you are searching will find these small hammered coins.
we set up in "Park 1 search mode" on the equinox 800 and using the 15 inch minelab elliptical coil.

The advantage of NOT using the beach to land setting is that if you detect under electric pylons or near to an electric fence the you have the abilty to switch to a single frequency to loose the pulsing of the electrical interferance.

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