Garrett Seahunter Mk2 best settings for dry sand metal detecting
Published by Paul Cee in garrett seahunter · Tuesday 27 Aug 2019 · 2:30
Tags: Garrett, seahunter, dry, sand, best, settings
Tags: Garrett, seahunter, dry, sand, best, settings

Well when i use the either the Garrett Seahunter MkII or the Garrett ATX, yes they both have a somewhat crude form of discrimination even though they are Pulse Induction metal Detectors.
The Seahunter has the discrimination knob on the rear of the control panel

Along with the ON/Off Control and also the Threshold knob.
Usually for Detecting on "Wet" Sand i have the discrimination set at "0" and the threshold at just above audiable so i can hear the tone, it is a tone and not a hum as with many detectors including my CTX3030.

Now the Setting for Discrimination on the Dry Sand. I use this mainly to not pick up bottle tops and Bobby/Hair pins.
It is i would say 80% ok but yes i do still did bottle tops but not as many.. I Do not turn any higher and try to loose ring pulls or tabs as this also in the range of some fine jewellry, ie gold... and even on my CTX 3030 i do not discriminate out those, i did everything on the beach if it sounds good, but with a PI detector it will pick up everything..

So there you have it, these are the best setting for me when coin shooting with the Garrett Seahunter 2. you may find them useful, or they may not work for you and where you detect. At the end of the day there arn't many controls so just have a twiddle..
Feel Free to comment if they work for you or not..
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